YABPa Youth Advisory Board

COVID-19 Updates

Clarification from DHS regarding eligibility for extended foster care during COVID-19

Young people must meet eligibility requirements related to participation in activities like school and work to remain eligible for extended foster care. Since many of these activities are being disrupted significantly or canceled, are DHS and OCYF willing to direct county child welfare agencies to: 1. waive eligibility requirements during this time period and 2. prohibit agencies from discharging any youth from extended foster care during this time period to ensure their safety and well-being?

While the eligibility requirements for older youth to remain in extended foster care are set forth in statute, OCYF supports broad interpretation of the requirements at this time to allow for these older youth to remain in care. For example, one eligibility option is that a youth be "enrolled" in a post-secondary or vocational education program, which means even if college or vocational classes are suspended, a youth could still be eligible for extended foster care as long as they remain enrolled. It should also be noted that the final determination that the child meets necessary eligibility criteria is made by the court, not the children and youth agency.

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